Installation and running of both centralized and decentralized surveillance systems at homes, offices, warehouses, or whenever visual vigilance is required. Running 24/7.

A watchful eye. Far, yet so close.

PUMA SECURITY provides a centralized surveillance system that operates at all times, year long, and utilizes advanced surveillance technology to help clients monitor and control activities within their specific area. Our system includes a network of high res cameras, sensors, and other monitoring devices that are connected to a central control center allowing for greater visibility and control over a given area. .

By monitoring all of the cameras and sensors in real-time, security personnel can quickly identify any potential threats and respond accordingly. This can help to prevent crime, protect property, and ensure the safety of all individuals within the surveilled area. Our own trained security personnel at PUMA SECURITY monitors the system and respond to any security threats or incidents that may occur.

We offer remote servicing, management, geolocation, and fleet monitoring services in addition to cyber security and remote support. Our systems may also be utilized to monitor staff performance, spot production-process inefficiencies, and enhance customer service. Businesses may find areas for development, boost productivity, and boost profits by reviewing the data the system has accumulated.